Top 10 Social Media Sites

Top 10 Social Media Sites

Top 10 Social Media Sites – Social Networking sites are taking the world by storm. It holds the dominating power that can change the mindset of the people. Apart from this, social media sites are becoming crucial platform for increasing business, sale and creating brand or business awareness and image. Social media has huge impact on us these days. People spend time going through their news feed or tweets entire day.

Top 10 Social Media Sites

Due to huge involvement of people over several social networking sites, it is becoming an ideal platform for marketing. If you know how it utilize well then getting benefit out of it won’t be difficult. Here we have for you the list of Top 10 Social media sites.

10 best Social Media Sites

Below is the list of top Social Media sites that has huge number of users and provide good business. Have a look on it:


Facebook is definitely has the number of users and it is the biggest social networking site. Both small and medium sized businesses are using this as a advertising platform for their business. There are over 1 million such type of business getting benefit from Facebook where as the established companies are spending approximately $100 million on Facebook per year for advertisement.


We all are aware of twitter and its unique characters. It is the best way to spread your worlds and tweets will make it possible for you. Twitter is emerging very fast and it is very popular among people in India, US and UK. If you see it from the business perspective, 81% of advertisement revenue on twitter comes from mobile. The cost for 24 hour promote trend on twitter is $200,000.


LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking site. It helps well in engagement and build professional network with the other users over it. Presently, LinkedIn has more than 332 million users and new users are registered every minute. If the users are more it becomes good for marketing and advertisement.

Google +

Google has recently launched its social networking site Google+ and it became quite popular since then. There are over 300 million active users and because of this it one among the best site for business marketing and advertisement. Google+ has more than 53% positive interaction between brands and users.


You all well aware of YouTube, this site generate huge revenue and considered as one of the best social networking site in UK. 1 billion videos over YouTube are watched through the mobile phone and the gross revenue generated by it is $5.6 billion.


This social media portal is more popular because of its amazing features. It is suitable for the brand awareness and helps your business to grow well. The 9 million uses have connected their account through Facebook. Pinterest has more than 70 million users and 80%of them are women while 20% are men. One can get the good benefit in for business by using this.


Instagram has younger users and his is very popular social media site where people put up the pictures on daily bases. It can also be utilized best for the marketing purposes and advertisement as well. Many ecommerce businesses are utilizing it well and getting good profit from it.

It has more than 300 million monthly active users and among them 75 million are daily active users. It is very used best for the business and digital marketing.


Tumblr is a micro blogging platform and making its way to be in the top social media. It is best used for sharing videos, text, images, audio or anything that one likes to share. Tumblr create more than 217 million blog daily, isn’t this huge? It has more than 420 million active user and becoming best platform for marketing.


Flicker has more than 3.5 million images upload on daily bases. It is very popular in UK, India and USA, people on this site can share their images and videos. It provides the huge online photo storage.


Reddit has 174 million monthly unique visitors regularly. This social networking site is best suitable for the entertainment purposes, where registered members share content and direct links.


These were the top 10 Social Media Sites that are very popular and can be the best platform for promoting your business online. Use of Social media site is increasing day by day, every second someone registers on these sites. If you are still not aware of these sites then it’s high time now to consider these sites for your business or brand.

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Mohit Kumar

Mohit Kumar Has been working in SEO industry from past 10+ years. He is specialized in White Hat organic SEO techniques. Content is the major forte for him like creating strategies, content formatting, matching EEAT etc. He has the expertise in providing the result oriented techniques to several industries like eCommerce, B2B business, Service based businesses and many more etc. Based on the expertise he likes to share the views on the several things that he faced during the journey.


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