How to protect websites from Fake Signups –Â Fake sign ups on your website can cause more damage to your services than you think. If you are struggling to find the ways to protect your website from fake sign ups then look no further. We have come up with the best methods that you can implement to get the assurance of the security of your site.

Spam bots and fake sign ups can harm your website in more than one ways. If you are enjoying a lot of traffic on your website then make sure you check the quality of them. The traffic and the sign up should be real otherwise they would be of no use. Therefore, you must take necessary steps to stay protected from this kind of unwanted damage.
Why should you care about Spam Sign ups?
Spam bot and unreal sign ups on your website are way too much harm for your website. They damage the reputation of your website and eventually you end up harming the incoming traffic and sales towards your website and online services. Below listed are some of the reasons on why you should be careful about the security.
- Sending the important information or the email campaigns to the fake email addresses can result in the negative impact on the overall performance of your website.
- The accuracy of the reports would be reduced to the minimal amount. A lot of fake accounts will hinder the accuracy level of the report analysis.
- More will be the fake accounts on your website, more money you will spend on the email service providers. And in the severe cases, you will even get bounces in return.
The steps to protect your website from the spam registration
Sign ups on your website are very important for the customer’s identification. An individual information provides an easy to do the further processes. But these processes can go horribly wrong if the sign ups of information submission are fake. It does not only affect your current performance but also damages your website’s image in the online world. Therefore, it is important for you to take care of the security. Below listed are some of the most effective tips that you should implement to assure safety.
CAPTCHA codes are the most prevalent and effective form of the website’s security. They are a great shield against the spam registration on your site. The main function of the CAPTCHA code is to differentiate humans from the bots. Pattern recognition and audio and visual forms are some of the CAPTCHA codes that are used.  It is a good security method but you should definitely look on to the advanced methods as well.
Mobile Number Verification
This security method was earlier applied only on the limited e-commerce and banking sites. But now, this is one of the most used security methods in any kind of website. This process sends users verification codes on their mobile devices which then need to be inserted back into the registration form field to complete the user registration process. This is an extremely effective method and also the safest to assure that the information of both the website and customers is safe.
Social login
Social logins allow the customer to sign up on a new website with an existing social account. This process usually does not involve the filing out of the registration details that take time. This is one of the safest ways for the accurate sign-up. You can get the real information about the customers through their social media profiles. It is pretty tough for the spams to create a real account.
Aforementioned are the best ways to assure the security on your website. You can implement any of them to protect your site from the spam sign ups. So, if you have an E -commerce website then do not forget to add some security hurdles to prevent your website.