Industry :
Inter Solar
Project Overview
Before partnering with Webhopers Infotech Pvt. Ltd., Inter Solar Systems attempted to improve their online presence through Digital marketing in Indian market from 3-4 Years, as the emerging Solar firms, so they can generate more sales. However, the results did not meet their expectations.
Inter Solar Systems required the right combination of marketing knowledge and internet marketing experience to improve its sales in the Indian market. Webhopers stepped with the Digital Marketing proposal to promote their Solar Products with an assurance of making them a BRAND.
Before partnering with Webhopers there were no post engagements on Facebook, Twitter & other Social Media’s, but our Social experts helped Inter Solar to attain the level of people interaction they wanted.
Now It’s been 3 Years, Webhopers have been working for Inter Solar Systems Marketing & Branding with their 100% Satisfaction & Doubling the business in this short interval of time.
Traffic Improvement