How To Get Custom URL On Tumblr

How To get custom URL on Tumblr

How to get custom URL on Tumblr –  If you are the one looking for the ways to get custom URL on Tumblr then you are at the correct place. Custom URL is important for so many things ranging from making your URL look professional to everything beyond. If you do not have much idea about getting Custom URL for your Tumblr account. Then here we will discuss some of the steps that will easily get you custom URL on Tumblr.

How To get custom URL on Tumblr

Custom URLs are so much important these days. Normal URL with unwanted digits and alphabets makes your website really undesirable and unattractive to most of the users. So, if you are still using old URL then it is the right time to customize it.

Importance of custom URL on Tumblr

Tumblr automatically generates an URL with so many unnecessary digits and words. This eventually makes your URL unattractive and also pretty much hard to remember. The end results would be no one browsing your website because of the weird URL. It is not difficult for users to remember but also difficult for you. Custom URL is way more enhanced and effective than the normal URLs. If you are still not impressed with the custom URL then below mentioned are some of the benefits of custom URL.

  1. With a good custom URL, your website or services get a brand recognition and identity. People trust you and your services just after you customize your URL.
  2. Brand link and trust are some of the other things that come with the customization of your URL.
  3. Your Custom URL obviously look better than the usual or regular one because of the obvious reasons.
  4. One of the major advantages of customizing your URL is that it is pretty easy to get.

Steps to get custom URL on Tumblr

The steps to get custom URL on Tumblr are pretty easy if you follow them right. Getting a custom URL for your Tumblr account will provide you more benefits than what you would have thought of. If you do not know anything about getting custom URL then below mentioned are the easy steps to get one for your account.

  • Log in to your Tumblr account.
  • Click on the name of the blog or post you want to modify.
  • Locate the blog post you want to edit. You do not need to locate if you only have one Tumblr blog.
  • Click on the gear icon and then click on the edit menu. The post box will expand.
  • Click on the gear icon again which is above the post box.
  • Select the field marked “custom URL”
  • Type the name of you want your custom address and save the changes.
  • The post will now have a new custom URL with better features and will eventually attract more people.

Why your Tumblr account needs Custom URL?

If you own a Tumblr account especially for your services or business then it becomes mandatory for you to customize your URL. Everyone wishes to have a lot of traffic and profit out of their online business. One definitely do not want to reduce their overall performance just because of an URL. The automatically generated URL for your Tumblr account can really ruin your brand image and reputation. Not only this but it can also bring a downfall in the ranks and traffic. Therefore, it is must for any professional Tumblr user to customize their URL right away. If you are still using that old and outdated URL which is good for nothing then it is the right to update your URL.


Custom URL have become very important nowadays because of the good reasons and the benefits they provide. Above mentioned are the best and easy steps for you to follow if you want to customize your Tumblr URL. I hope this might have been useful for you in some way or the other. So, go ahead and now customize your URL for your Tumblr account.

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Mohit Kumar WebHopers

Mohit Kumar

Mohit Kumar Has been working in SEO industry from past 10+ years. He is specialized in White Hat organic SEO techniques. Content is the major forte for him like creating strategies, content formatting, matching EEAT etc. He has the expertise in providing the result oriented techniques to several industries like eCommerce, B2B business, Service based businesses and many more etc. Based on the expertise he likes to share the views on the several things that he faced during the journey.

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