How To Get Custom URL For Google Plus Business Page

how to get custom url for google plus business page

How to get custom URL for Google plus business page – Are you looking for the ways to get custom URL for Google plus business page? If yes, then you are at the appropriate place. Back in the old days there was no page on Google plus. But now every person, business, celeberity etc can make their Google plus pages to get the most benefits. So, here we will discuss how to get custom URL for Google plus business page.

how to get custom url for google plus business page

Prior to the right execution of the steps you can easily get the custom URL for your Google plus business page. It created a lot of buzz when Google plus officially announced that they are allowing to create custom URL. Reason being custom URL brings a variety of benefits that makes you and your business grow.

What are custom URLs in Google plus?

In the earlier days, there were URL that have unnceccesary numbers or alphabets that were hard to remember. It was not only difficult for people to remember but also was difficult to directly type the URL and browse. Small mistakes in the typos would land you in some other profiles. It would not be wring to call custom URL as desired URL for your web page or any account. They are easy to remember and handy at a lot of other related things.

Eligibilities to get a custom URL in Google plus

In order to get a custom URL for your Google plus you must fulfill some conditions. In case you are not aware of what these conditions are. Then here we will do some favor of letting you know about the conditions that will get you custom URL for your Google plus.

  1. Your account should have a profile picture.
  2. Your account of page should have minumum of 10 followeers.
  3. The Google plus account that you own should be at least one month old.

Steps to get Custom URL for your Google plus 

Getting a custom URL in Google plus pages or profiles is extremely easy. It is even easy for beginners who have just put their step in the digital world. If you have any confusion in getting the custom URL then below mentioned are some of the easy steps to get custom URL for Google plus.

  • If your account is eligible for getting a custom URL then you might have got an email saying get a custom URL. And if you have not got any email like this then it is time to update your account in order to make it eligible.
  • Open that mail and click on get the custom URL and you will be automatically redirected to your Google plus account.
  • Usually you get a custom URL, that is coined on your name or your company’s name or anything that’s your profile name. But if you want something different then you can apply a request to it.
  • The answer to the request might take some time. So, be patient and eventually you will get your custom URL.

Importance of custom URL for Google plus pages or profiles

Earlier Google only offered custom URL to celebrities or known people. But now it is offering this to everyone. And people are switching towards Custom URL because of the benefits it brings with. Custom URL are way more easy to remember than the normal ones. They can be easily typed and browse without causing any inconvenience. Also, they are very easy to get which makes it a reason to get them right away. So, if you are still using the normal URL then it is time to change one right now.


Custom URL are gaining a lot of attention and all for the right reasons. Every business, person is now thinking to change their normal URL to custom URL. Reason being they are very useful and beneficial at the same time. I hope this might have been helpful for you to brush up your knowledge on how to get custom URL for Google plus.

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Mohit Kumar

Mohit Kumar Has been working in SEO industry from past 10+ years. He is specialized in White Hat organic SEO techniques. Content is the major forte for him like creating strategies, content formatting, matching EEAT etc. He has the expertise in providing the result oriented techniques to several industries like eCommerce, B2B business, Service based businesses and many more etc. Based on the expertise he likes to share the views on the several things that he faced during the journey.

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