What is The Difference between SEO Keywords & Queries? – Are you also among of those who confuse gets confuse between keywords and query? Well, you are not alone then. There are number of bloggers who always misunderstand these two terms and mix up both these terms. It is very important to understand that ‘What is the difference between SEO keywords and Queries?’ The difference is very minor between both these terms.

To find the difference between SEO Keyword and Queries it is very important for an individual know about both these terms and what does they really mean. Thus, here we have explained the SEO keywords and Queries in a simple way. This will provide you the better understanding for both the terms. Have a look at it and get know about the difference between both of them.
What is SEO Keywords?
Talking about the Keywords, they are a specific words that user use for a particular things. If a user wants to buy or know about the Black Shirt then this should be the keyword. It is the responsibility of SEO expert to focus on the keyword and to know what user is trying to look for over search engine.
In simple terms you can conclude that the keywords are related with SEO experts whereas the query is related to the users. But this doesn’t mean that SEO expert has nothing to with the query. You need to focus on both of them as keywords are generated by going through the query made by user. Thus, to provide the best ranking to your page you can use the best keyword.
What are search engine queries?
Queries are very simple; they are all related with the users. Whatever the users want to search on the web, they go over search engine and start typing about it over search engines. Let me explain this with an example for better understanding. If you want to buy ‘Black Shirt’ online then you will type Black Shirt on Search engine let’s say, Google.
Now, whatever you have written on search engine is known as query. It is not possible for other’s to predict that a user will search for particular things. It depends on that what they choose to write over search engine and it is the responsibility of SEO expert to find the query using the Keyword.
What users write to search anything is called query. The query is something that as a writer or marketer you can’t predict. They will type anything to search and you have to catch that query using the keyword.
Difference between SEO Keywords and Queries
Now with the better understanding of both the terms, it might have become easy for you to spot the difference between Keywords and Queries. But for a SEO expert it is important to look at the both terms to get the best results to make his web page rank good in the search results.
While, both the user and SEO expert do not know what the keyword is and what is the query respectively, SEO expert needs to go through all the queries and generate the keyword out of them. While user does not know what a marketer is targeting, they will simply type whatever they want.
Therefore, on the basis of this we can say that:
- Query is what users actually type in search bar
- Keyword is What marketer’s targeting
We hope this helped you well in figuring out the difference between Query and the keyword. Though the difference is very simple and small bit it is very import for understand as well. We are sure, this will help you very well and you will come up with the strong keyword. For an SEO expert it is very important for anyone to go through all the queries properly because queries are the secret weapon for the success of SEO service.