What is Competitor Research and How to do that properly – Understanding the competition is a very crucial process in any business be it online or offline. Some companies even hire professionals to do research but you cannot rely on someone. After all competitor research isn’t that difficult to do it on your own. Here we will discuss about what is competitor research and tips to do that properly.

Your competition is always looking for ways to steal away your customers. So you have to extra careful with your business and always keep a check on what your competition is doing. With the right steps and tips you can excel in the digital world beating your competition at every step.
What is competitor research?
Competitor analysis or research means keeping a check on what your competition is doing and this means all the negative and positive points. This will help you to improve and stick to your positive points for the good. Competitor research is an essential process to do better than your competition. This research allows you to identify both the threats and opportunities from your competition.
Steps to do the right competitor research
Your competition always look for the ways to overpower you at every step. You need to stay extra careful on your business and on your competition too. Below mentioned are some of the steps to do the right competitor research that you can follow in future.
Dig deep
Go beyond the usual methods of research. A normal research should always start with Google and most of the times it ends up there too. But if you really want to have a good understanding of what your competitors are doing then you need to go beyond the Google searches. You can various tools to do this or even can hire professionals to get more better results.
Track and report
Big companies and businesses are on the top because they constantly keep a check on what their competition is doing. Track your competitors, make a report or list of things that you need to incorporate into your business. This way you can do much better than your competition.
Use social media platforms
Now when every other business and companies are on social networks so it becomes an important medium to keep a check on your competition. You can collect the minor details of your competition and use it against them to make your business better and improves. You can do this by hiring someone or can just do it yourself. Be the customer of your competition and grab the positive points.
Ask customers
When it comes to do a competitor research there is nothing better than the customers. Customers are fair enough to tell you what they like about you and other brands and services. Speaking to them can tell you a lot about you and your competitors. If you manage to gather enough information then you will come to know what is wrong with your business.
Communicate with the suppliers
There might be a chance that you and your competitors are buying stuffs from the same suppliers. Trust me same suppliers can unintentionally tell you a lot about your competition. You just need to ask them better questions and look for the results. End results would be beneficial for you.
Hire your competition
Offer your competition something that they could not neglect. Or simply you can hire some of their employees especially in the sales department. This would work in favor for you in every possible way. They will tell you a lot about the competition and will work in a better way for you.
Keeping an eye on you competition is something very beneficial for you. But meanwhile you need to take care of your safety too. Learn to grab information about the competition and use them in a better way they are using. This will help you to grow your business. So above mentioned were the best tips on how you can do a competitive research properly.